Neonatal Surgery

Neonatal Surgery

High-quality care is provided to newborns with all kind of surgical illnesses inclusive of birth defects. Counseling for best management is also extended to parents with antenatally diagnosed surgical illnesses in their fetuses. The surgical care is supported by high quality Neonatal Anaesthesia and NICU services. Operated successfully more than 5000 major neonatal cases.


  • Esophageal atresia
  • Diaphragmatic hernia
  • Anorectal malformations
  • Hirschsproung’s disease
  • Duodenal and bowel atresia
  • Malrotation, Volvulus
  • Pyloric Stenosis
  • Omphaloceles,Gastroschisis
  • Hernia, Circumcisions
  • Cystic hygroma, Hemangiomas
  • Necrotising enterocolitis
  • Meconium Ileus
  • Duplication cyst, Mesenteric cyst, Ovarian cyst
  • Sacrosoccygeal teratoma
  • Medical Case :

    Child had antenatally diagnosed progressively increasing bilateral hydroureteronephrosis .Delivered at term and diagnosed to have bilateral duplex kidneys with severe bilateral VUR to lower moieties and cecoureterocele on right upper moiety. Cystoscopic deroofing of ureterocele and laparoscopic ureterostomy were performed successfully to protect the kidney functions

    An extremely rare case of Fetal intestinal volvulus has been successfully managed The 32 weeker fetus was diagnosed to have Classical triad of Echogenic bowel with Whirl pool sign, polyhydramnios and fetal anaemia . A thorough counselling with the parents enabled them to take the most difficult decision of urgent delivery of the baby by Cesarean Section. Post natal evaluation confirmed the small bowel volvulus. After stabilization emergency laparotomy was performed. Segmental volvulus involving whole of ileum with gangrene and distal ileal atresia, malrotaion of gut was detected. Resection of gangrenous bowel , correction of malrotation and double barrel ileostomy was performed. Baby recovered from the physiological and surgical stress quite satisfactorily, started to pass stool per stoma and started feeding.
    Fetal volvulous is an extremely rare condition and a challenge to diagnose and manage. Only few cases have been reported in the world literature with instances of fetal death , still births in neglected cases. It’s a complex multidisciplinary approach with state of the art NICU care which helps in survival of potentially morbid and lethal condition.

    A preterm Low Birth Weight (1.3 kg) child, born with antenatally detected ventriculomegaly and bowel distension developed respiratory distress and hugely distended abdomen within 6 hours of birth. Preliminary clinical and radiological assessment revealed hugely distended proximal bowel with splinting of the diaphragm. Due to severe abdominal distension and suspected ischaemic bowel, emergency laparotomy was done at 7th hours of birth. A rare (1:10000-20,000 LIFE BIRTH) Type 3 Jejunal atresia with Apple peel deformity of distal bowel(anomalously supplied by inferior mesenteric artery trunk) and thick putty-like meconium in the hugely distended Jejunal blind loop was encountered. The bowel was decompressed, the viability of bowel was restored and a Chimney bowel repair was done. The compliance of lung was restored and ventilation could be normalized. The child has been recovering well in NICU and been started on feeds.There is no scar on her abdomen or perineum which is a great cosmetic benefit to the girl child. Fetal volvulous is an extremely rare condition and a challenge to diagnose and manage. Only few cases have been reported in the world literature with instances of fetal death , still births in neglected cases. It’s a complex multidisciplinary approach with state of the art NICU care which helps in survival of potentially morbid and lethal condition.
    Successful surgery on 7 year old girl with an extremely rare combination of jejuno-ileal intussusception and suppurative obstructive appendicitis. The child presented with acute abdomen and atypical symptoms leading to diagnostic dilemma. This combination is extremely rare , only 10 case reports have been found in the literature including children and adults since 1923.

    Neonatal Surgery Spectrum

    Medical Case :

    Child had antenatally diagnosed progressively increasing bilateral hydroureteronephrosis .Delivered at term and diagnosed to have bilateral duplex kidneys with severe bilateral VUR to lower moieties and cecoureterocele on right upper moiety. Cystoscopic deroofing of ureterocele and laparoscopic ureterostomy were performed successfully to protect the kidney functions
    An extremely rare case of Fetal intestinal volvulus has been successfully managed The 32 weeker fetus was diagnosed to have Classical triad of Echogenic bowel with Whirl pool sign, polyhydramnios and fetal anaemia . A thorough counselling with the parents enabled them to take the most difficult decision of urgent delivery of the baby by Cesarean Section. Post natal evaluation confirmed the small bowel volvulus. After stabilization emergency laparotomy was performed. Segmental volvulus involving whole of ileum with gangrene and distal ileal atresia, malrotaion of gut was detected. Resection of gangrenous bowel , correction of malrotation and double barrel ileostomy was performed. Baby recovered from the physiological and surgical stress quite satisfactorily, started to pass stool per stoma and started feeding. Fetal volvulous is an extremely rare condition and a challenge to diagnose and manage. Only few cases have been reported in the world literature with instances of fetal death , still births in neglected cases. It’s a complex multidisciplinary approach with state of the art NICU care which helps in survival of potentially morbid and lethal condition.
    A preterm Low Birth Weight (1.3 kg) child, born with antenatally detected ventriculomegaly and bowel distension developed respiratory distress and hugely distended abdomen within 6 hours of birth. Preliminary clinical and radiological assessment revealed hugely distended proximal bowel with splinting of the diaphragm. Due to severe abdominal distension and suspected ischaemic bowel, emergency laparotomy was done at 7th hours of birth. A rare (1:10000-20,000 LIFE BIRTH) Type 3 Jejunal atresia with Apple peel deformity of distal bowel(anomalously supplied by inferior mesenteric artery trunk) and thick putty-like meconium in the hugely distended Jejunal blind loop was encountered. The bowel was decompressed, the viability of bowel was restored and a Chimney bowel repair was done. The compliance of lung was restored and ventilation could be normalized. The child has been recovering well in NICU and been started on feeds.There is no scar on her abdomen or perineum which is a great cosmetic benefit to the girl child. Fetal volvulous is an extremely rare condition and a challenge to diagnose and manage. Only few cases have been reported in the world literature with instances of fetal death , still births in neglected cases. It’s a complex multidisciplinary approach with state of the art NICU care which helps in survival of potentially morbid and lethal condition.
    Successful surgery on 7 year old girl with an extremely rare combination of jejuno-ileal intussusception and suppurative obstructive appendicitis. The child presented with acute abdomen and atypical symptoms leading to diagnostic dilemma. This combination is extremely rare , only 10 case reports have been found in the literature including children and adults since 1923.