Ileal duplication cyst causing intussusception in 2 yr old girl
Ileal duplication cyst causing intussusception in 2 yr old girl A fleet of 24 magnets were removed successfully from a 2 years old patient by combined endoscopy and laparotomy. The child had ingested unaccounted number of magnetic spheres 3 months back and went unnoticed. Recent Post – Ileal duplication cyst causing intussusception in 2 yr […]
16 pieces of magnet and metals retrieved l and 10 entero- enteric fistulae repaired laparoscopically
16 pieces of magnet and metals retrieved l and 10 entero- enteric fistulae repaired laparoscopically A fleet of 24 magnets were removed successfully from a 2 years old patient by combined endoscopy and laparotomy. The child had ingested unaccounted number of magnetic spheres 3 months back and went unnoticed. Recent Post – Ileal duplication cyst […]
Successfully performed Hybridisation Surgery for Long Segment Hirschsprung’s Disease in a 10 months old girl.
Successfully performed Hybridisation Surgery for Long Segment Hirschsprung’s Disease in a 10 months old girl. This variety of HD is extremely rare (incidence of 1:25000 live birth) affecting almost entire colon. The Hybridisation technique ( devised by Japanese )allowes part of ileum to be incorporated into a segment of right side of the colon and […]
Successfully performed One stage Trans-anal Swenson’s Pullthrough for Hirschsprung Disease in a 3 months old girl child.
Successfully performed One stage Trans-anal Swenson’s Pullthrough for Hirschsprung Disease in a 3 months old girl child. One stage Trans-anal Swenson’s Pullthrough was performed for Hirschsprung Disease in a 3 months old girl child. This child had presented with life threatening enterocolitis when she was diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease affecting Rectum, distal half of sigmoid […]
A fleet of 24 magnets were removed successfully
A fleet of 24 magnets were removed successfully A fleet of 24 magnets were removed successfully from a 2 years old patient by combined endoscopy and laparotomy. The child had ingested unaccounted number of magnetic spheres 3 months back and went unnoticed. Recent Post – Ileal duplication cyst causing intussusception in 2 yr old girl […]
Successful Laparoscopic Excision of Type 1c Choledochal Cyst and Hepatico-Duodenostomy in a 13 years old Girl
Successful Laparoscopic Excision of Type 1c Choledochal Cyst and Hepatico-Duodenostomy in a 13 years old Girl A 13 year old girl has been successfully treated by total Laparoscopic excision of type 1 –C Choledochal cyst and hepatico-duodenostomy . She has been having recurrent abdominal pain, post feeding discomfort, nausea, occasional fever and vomiting. After thorough […]
Extremely rare combination of jejuno-ileal intussusception and suppurative obstructive appendicitis
Extremely rare combination of jejuno-ileal intussusception and suppurative obstructive appendicitis Successful surgery on 7 year old girl with an extremely rare combination of jejuno-ileal intussusception and suppurative obstructive appendicitis. The child presented with acute abdomen and atypical symptoms leading to diagnostic dilemma. This combination is extremely rare , only 10 case reports have been found […]
1.3KG Preterm with rare Type 3 Jejunal Atresia and Meconium Ileus operated successfully.
1.3KG Preterm with rare Type 3 Jejunal Atresia and Meconium Ileus operated successfully. A preterm Low Birth Weight (1.3 kg) child, born with antenatally detected ventriculomegaly and bowel distension developed respiratory distress and hugely distended abdomen within 6 hours of birth. Preliminary clinical and radiological assessment revealed hugely distended proximal bowel with splinting of the […]